A Renewing of Good Things to Come

When I think of a New Year it often brings with it a new sense of excitement for the possibility of new beginnings, a new anticipation of good things to come.

Throughout the year as the days pass by we have a tendency to focus on the circumstances around us that are not as we would like them to be, whether that is a relationship, our career or the job path we have chosen, our children, and yes, even our finances.

What I have found to even be true in my own life is as I spend time focusing on these things, is I can become paralyzed by allowing myself to become overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding me instead of being proactive.  It is not that I do not want to try something different or even that I am not willing too, its more that I have let the fear of change and even failure take over because if I am honest, the security and normalcy of my circumstances seems more comfortable than adjusting.

So this year in planning for 2019 and setting my goals, I asked myself why is it that implementing changes and setting goals seems easier at the turn of a year?

  • Is it we grasp the idea of a fresh start?
  • Is it because we can make New Year’s Resolutions?
  • Or do we just devote a little time to ourselves so we can set new goals?
  • Is it possibly that a multiplier affect takes place with the encouragement of others around us?
  • Do we feel motivated by the chance to control what lies ahead and the action steps we can take to impact change?

Unfortunately, I do not know the answers to these questions. What I have found for myself, is that in my anticipation for the good things to come in 2019, I also list the things I am thankful for from the previous year. I believe it’s a good practice to reflect on where I have been to remain grateful for growth. And yes, sometimes the years I was so excited to welcome just do not turn out the way I had hoped. 2018 was one of those years, which is why it is even more important to reflect upon the moments of joy and achievements no matter how small that prove to us we are still growing, we are still learning, and good things are still happening.

So I want to share one of my top moments of 2018, although it may seem small to you and even to me, this moment has reminded me that patience, courage, determination, hard work, and yes even setting goals can pay off.

I started going to yoga classes regularly in 2016 and each year I have improved but there has been one pose – Birds of Paradise – that I just haven’t been able to do. I would longingly watch all my other yogis conquer this pose and be deflated that I couldn’t master it let alone even slightly maintain a position that resembles it. I even set a goal at the beginning of 2017 that I was going to get that pose during the year, and you know what?

I failed.

By 2018, I had even forgotten it was a goal of mine at one time, it was some distance memory of something I just accepted I would never be able to do. Why do we so easily accept these fallacies as truth? Then one day in September of 2018 during a yoga class, I decided just to try again…and you know what? While I still haven’t mastered Birds of Paradise, I can now triumphantly say I can do it! Was anything dramatically different this time than the hundreds of times before? No; I just chose to try again.

The point is, we don’t always accomplish things when we want too but if we stick with it, practice patience, determination, and courage to keep trying, good things will come, goals will be realized.

I share this story for the simple reason that I want you to stay focused on your goals – past or present. Forget any bumps or failures you have experienced along the way!

  • Do you simply just want to start saving? It’s as simple step to set up a monthly contribution to a savings account
  • Do you want to contribute more to your 401(k)? It’s as simple as increasing your deferral percentage
  • Do you want to save for a vacation? It’s as simple as analyzing your cash flow and start saving a dollar amount per month into an account designated for your trip
  • Do you want to save for your children’s college education? It’s as simple as contacting your financial advisor to get it jump-started!
  • Do you want to take control of your financial life? Maybe you are entering the New Year after a recent divorce, loss of a spouse or parent, or job change, no matter the reason; it’s as simple as setting up a meeting with a financial advisor today. If you don’t have one, I am more than happy to meet with you and you can schedule an appointment through WISE&WORTHY; you don’t have to wait!

My hope is that whether you stumbled upon WISE & WORTHY or are visiting intentionally, you feel motivated to take the first simple step to achieving your goals in 2019.

I hope you will revisit WISE&WORTHY and use it as a resource to find valuable information to help encourage you along your journey. I will continue to post blogs, guides, lists and other tools that can assist women like you and me.

I encourage you to remain in a place of excitement for this New Year and stay steadfast in the anticipation of only good things to come!


Let’s talk soon!
